Libertarian Party of Washington County

Growing the volunteer spirit!

All your freedoms, all the time! Find Out More

What We Do


Educate Informative Presentations, Timely Topics

We sponsor a quarterly series of liberty-minded speakers from around the state offering solutions to political and social problems facing Texans.


Demonstrate Don't do as we say, do as we do!

We regularly promote service projects around Washington County that are designed to show what voluntaryism and personal responsibility look like in real life.


Motivate Taking care of business

We get together once a quarter to plan and organize our work. If you're interested in finding out more about the Libertarian Party, come join us!

Convention Schedule

County Convention, Guadalajara Restaurant, March 16, 2024, 4:00PM

District Conventions, C&J BBQ, Bryan, TX, March 23, 2024, 3:30PM

State Convention, American Bank Center, Corpus Christi, April 12-14, 2024

To get involved or to find out more, contact LPWCTX for more information!